-´Its been a long journey since the classes have started and yet im not convinced.´

I really like how this degree is programmed and i know that architecture is vital for society but i dont feel like its right for me. Back when i got accepted in the architecture degree i felt that this was a oportunity to try something new, I thoght that maybe i would become obssed with architecture and i was exited to start. I even joined a lot of architecture related channels, but no so long after starting the carrier I realised that architecture is not what I expected and what I wanted it to be. Is not just the calculation and design of a building, architecture is also art.

Im not someone who seeks art or tries to find beuty in nature. Im not someone who likes to find the little details of life that makes it beutiful. I can enjoy old historical monuments and i’m amazed by the technique and desing used for it but tahts it. Art as a concept is something that doesn’t suits me. That is simply not what I enjoy. Im more of a numbers person.

After realising this truth I now know what I really want to be and who I’m meant to be. Its a totally different path from architecture, but that doesnt mean that im going to forget yhose who i meet in this degree or that i will hate this period in this degree.