Basic concepts
- Eco/ km0 / green / low tech / permaculture / bio- / passive / 3R / Life-cycle assesments / 3Pillars / 4 operational principles
- Enviromental
- Socio-cultural
- Socio-economic
*Green and circular economy
Focused on the resource cycle and its model based on reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling of material and products
*Green economy
It improves human well-being and social equity, reduces enviromental risks and is resource efficient. This model integrates the social dimension and the conservation of ecosystems
4 Operational Principles
- Human beings have an impact on natural systems and that impact must not exceed the capacity of nature
- The use of renewable sources must not surpass their rate of regeneration.
- We have to compesate the use of now-renewable reosurces with the use of renewable soruces. Non-renewable resources will be eventually replaced by renewable resources.
- The emissions into the enviroment must not exceed the absorptive capacity of the receivers
- Reduce the use non-renewable materials
- Reuse the existing
- Recycle to transform materials into other products
Ecological footprint and biocapacity
- Ecological footprint : Land and water area needed to generate the reources we consumed and to absorb the waste we generate
- Biocapacity : Biologically productive area available to provide the resources we use and to absorb our waste
The LCA studies the eviromental impact of a product from its production to its dismantling. To achieve this it´s necessary to calculate the energy consmption and corresponding emissions to the enviroment
Processes needed:
- of raw materials
- manufacturing process
- packaging, transportation, distribution
- usage stage
- end of life
Other concepts
- Green
- Eco-/ eco-friendly